The MAGNELIQ Project

A whole new class of materials for advanced sensors.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 899285.

A new class of materials

The MAGNELIQ project (a magneto – electric liquid – better sensing) aims at developing a radically new class of materials: magneto-electric (ME) liquids. The project will combine experimental studies with theoretical modelling to design liquids that will be able to have their magnetic properties manipulated with an electric field, and vice-versa.
The ME materials will be used to generate a series of break-through sensing technologies, such as:

  • Distributed-force sensors for robotics and prosthetics

  • Miniature, contactless and all-dielectric rotation sensors for industrial, transportation and medical applications

  • Remote and secure voltage and current measurements for smart grids

MAGNELIQ is coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute of Ljubljana (Slovenia), leading a consortium of 5 partners from Slovenia, Italy and Czech Republic.

The project
from 3 European countries




Milions €



Magneliq is aiming to the future

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